How to Sell StickyDrive!
The hardest part about selling StickyDrive is that it's not something you can take off the shelf and sell. You are selling customized software. It's so versatile that every order can look and function differently. You can do so many cool things with this new technology that it can become a bit overwhelming when you first get introduced. But don't let that stop you. Once you understand StickyDrive and what it can do, a whole new world of marketing and communication possibilities comes alive.
The first thing that is important to understand is that StickyDrive has two main benefits. One benefits the end user and the other benefits the company purchasing StickyDrive. For the user, StickyDrive provides cool software which organizes and allows quick access to the data they store on the drive. It not only enhances the users experience with transferring data but also includes a photo viewer and MP3 player so you can check out your photos or play your MP3 music right off the drive. This part of StickyDrive is contained in the "top skin" which is to say the top 1/3 of the user interface. The second benefit which is contained in the "bottom skin" or lower 2/3 of the user interface is where all the magic can happen. This section is basically a mini web page that allows you to interact with the information on the drive or data linked to a web site such as videos and PDF documents. Because StickyDrive acts like a mini web page there is enormous potential for creativity.
In the bottom skin, you are able to use a wide variety of tools to get marketing messages across to customers. Some of these tools include videos, flash presentations, animation, live feeds, quick links to important data stored on the drive, web site links, and scrolling messages. And if that wasn't enough, everything you do can be changed and updated even after the drives have been handed out! This is the true power of StickyDrive. Your messages and company image never go stale using StickyDrive technology.
StickyDrive is software that can be added to any flash drive. It makes the flash drive a much more valuable promotional product.
Case Studies - Industry Examples of StickyDrive? software.
Financial Market
Consumer Retail Products
Airline / Hospitality
Sports and Event Marketing
Why is a flash drive with StickyDrive? a better way to deliver content such as training or manuals than a CD or the Web?
There are some significant advantages a StickyDrive/Flash drive solution offers.
Flash Drive vs. CD:
Pro CD
Con CD
Flash Drive vs. CD Summary
CDs are experiencing rapid decay as a means for communicating information. They are fragile, non-up datable, and most important - many computers lack CD drives to view them now. CDs are cheap to make compared to the expense of a flash drive, but expensive to mail. Moreover, even the slightest update of content requires a complete replacement and re mailing of the CD. Last, CDs are boring, users don't put them in, and even if they do - it's only one time and no reporting or interactivity is done. So, if you are doing training, there is no way to know if they played it or learned anything from it.
If you compared the use of a CD for training over time, the CD quickly becomes more expensive (at about 3 updates / mailings) compared to flash drive. More important, there is not interactive connection to know if this expense was ever used. It is a blind expense distribution method that surveys have revealed has a very low (5% or less) "take-rate".
Flash Drive vs. the Web
Pro Web
Con Web
Flash Drive vs.Web Summary
The web is the best alternative to a flash drive in distributing training content. It's limiting requirement is that someone must be online - whereas content to the flash drive can be played regardless of connectivity. People are reluctant to save and go to specific URL for training. People are more inclined to plug in a flash drive - especially if they store other personal or work documents to the flash drive. Flash drives support all forms of stored content. Any content (video, Word docs, PDF's, Excel) you desire to deliver to a person requires a download from the web AND - is then stored to a PC. StickyDrive software by design creates unique users to each hardware letting a company know if information is being viewed by many unique audience members vs. a few people viewing many times. If the person wants to carry this information with them, they end up burning it to a flash drive.
The greatest advantage of StickyDrive software in a flash drive for training / content delivery mechanism versus a CD or Web delivery is mobility, frequency and ease of use, unique reporting to individuals, low cost updates, and cons savings. The flash drive provides the mobility of a CD, with more ubiquity and player receptacles (USB port versus CD drive). StickyDrive software in the flash drive offers the low cost updating of content via the web, and the reporting / tracking that CDs lack. The flash drive wins hands down in its mobility and ability to carry valuable documents and content with a unique person, compared to being stored in a computer. The flash drive has another unique advantage with StickyDrive software where our use studies have proven that consumers will store other data (work or personal) on the drive and use the hardware for other purposes, providing more frequency of use providing more impressions of the training materials, more branding and connections to a company communication objective. A flash drive with StickyDrive software is an extremely mobile and convenient device - unique to a person - that captures both the value of portable content and the low cost update and delivery of the web.
StickyDrive software in a flash drive offers significant advantages to traditional methods to delivering training, catalogues, pricing, new merchandise, sale or discounted inventory, or just news to a target audience.